Moonlight Sonata (Week Four)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

So, in keeping with my late night musings, I have come up with yet another pic using my guitar. Usually I have more stuff floating around my room to use as "props" of sorts, but for once it's actually clean, so the guitar was just convenient.

The photo is basically a long exposure shot taken from the floor, with a little bit of light painting on the guitar and amp. I did originally try to use a flash to light them up, but it was too hard to get the white balance right and to focus the light.

If I was doing it again, I'd probably move the guitar out from the wall a bit, and use a weaker torch. At the moment, I think the light on the floor is a little lost, but that could be just me. I guess I could crop, but I think that would take something away from it...

In other unrelated news, and for those who love new gadget toys, I have finally bought myself a NAS! I now have 1TB of network storage for time machine backups and streaming media to my TV, including photos.



Mutt January 31, 2010 at 3:18 PM  

The guitar... it calls to me.

It reminds me of times when you lie in bed, and you can't stop thinking about something. Like I can't get to sleep until a play a few riffs.

I can almost hear the faint plucking of Stairway to Heaven echoing through the silence.

Hooray for people who have a TB of storage!
*high five*

Luke February 1, 2010 at 5:44 PM  

I am not one of those people, dammit.

*glares at his 500GB HD*

Mutt was spot on, you really captured that unique feeling well... intentional or not.

What have you got planned next?

dead_meat February 3, 2010 at 11:14 PM  

I don't really plan things. I just... "do". This one was kind of a "wow, it's time to post on my blog... wait, that looks cool!"

For once I actually did try to have a theme which you've pick up on, which is good.

Maybe something that isn't related to my house would be good...

Mutt March 11, 2010 at 10:10 PM  

Alright, give it to us straight Hogey. Where's this so called 'next post' eh?

Luke May 26, 2010 at 6:15 PM  


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